Two recent visitors of Tokyo, Kristen and Josh Smith (Houston, Texas), visited an amazing sushi spot that many are just beginning to discover - Sushi Mizukami. Michinobu Muzukami is an extraordinary sushi chef who trained for more than 17 years under the guidance of Chef Takashi Ono of Sukiyabashi Jiro in Tokyo. Mizukami-san has more than 20 years of experience in the world of sushi and opened his own sushi spot about one year ago. To quote the folks in the photo: 'Hands down, one of the greatest meals in our entire life."
Two members of our current tour in Japan (Derrick Ellison and Melody Le), taking a photo of the incredible, blooming cherry blossoms in Mishima, Japan. Derrick and Melody are members of our April 2019 tour to Japan, led by Mr. Carl Rosa.
Mr. Carl Rosa arranged a special lunch for two members of the Houston, Texas area to dine at the finest sushi in the world - Sukiyabashi Jiro in Tokyo, Japan. Congrats to you both!