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Recommended Links & Resources

Japan-Based Websites
Reference Information
Blogs & Photo Directories

Japan-Based Websites
A listing of recommended websites; catering to the land of Japan.

Amazing Japan
Amazing Japan is a website that shares news and stories about Japan and the Japanese culture. The website also includes assistance in consulting, translating and general information.

Lonely Planet - Japan
Lonely Planet's Japan section offers great suggestions for hotels, tours, popular locations, travel suggestions, great photos, offers and much more.

Fodor's Japan Travel Guide
Lonely Planet's Japan section offers great suggestions for hotels, tours, popular locations, travel suggestions, great photos, offers and much more.
Reference Information

Great reference material about the Japanese culture, events, schedules, listings, etc.

Japan National Tourism Organization
An outstanding website dedicated to practically everything related to Japan - places to go, suggestions, recommended itineraries, schedules, calendar of events and more.

Japan Reference Forum
A website devoted to Japanese media, forum threads, image galleries and recent articles about every facet of the Japanese culture. This website is a travel, language and study guide.

Yokoso Japan: Club Tourism
This provides destination suggestions, a tour-search option, monthly tour package offers, a dollar-to-yen currency converter, a tour information center, rail pass purchasing options and restaurant guide.

Blogs & Photo Directories
Wonderful blogs and photo-based websites dedicated to Japan.

Surviving in Japan
A blog and website dedicated to chatting about 'surviving' in Japan with little understanding of the Japanese language. It even offers a section on 'How to's' to guide you along.

A blog that has captured the interest of millions of people. This blog is considered, by many, to be the ultimate blog about Japan/Japanese culture - including shopping, guides, travels and reviews.

JapanVisitor Blog
This blog offers a dail scoop on what's happening Japan. A full, detailed listing of what is happening in Tokyo, Nagoya, Kyoto, Osaka and Shimane.

Photo Galleries
Wonderful blogs and photo-based websites dedicated to Japan.

Glen Waters:
Glen Waters - a serious photographer with a truly love for Japan. Visit his personal Flickr account to see the wide variety of interests from his perspective. A popular photographer with 4,000+ followers.

Muza-Chan's Gate to Japan
A fantastic photo-based website that offers a daily photo of Japan. This website also includes great information from sections such as - "Customs and Traditions," "History" and "Anime."
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