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"About Our Trips" Video: Please view this video which provides a basic introduction and explanation about our trips to Japan (5:46 video).
For 11 years, we've been offering trips to Japan to those who are intertested in seeing the Japanese culture with their own eyes. Millions of people wish to walk the streets of Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka and Hiroshima...but dozens of acceptable concerns quickly surface, preventing them from ever acting on their dreams. Our trips to Japan are designed to eliminate the fears...and reducing the anticipated costs.
Our Trips to Japan
Every trip is Customized.
Every trip that we host is completely customized to ensure that each person has the opportunity to focus on regions and topics that interest them - history, sports, food, architecture, art, festivals, etc. In truth, we've never hosted the same trip to Japan twice. We sit down together and discuss the options, itinerary and interest of everyone attending. Everyone has an opinion. Every person shares their interests.
Economical Trips...never expensive.
Our Trips are always led by our founder.
Each and every trip that we host is led by Carl Rosa - Founder of the largest sushi-based organization in the United States, Founder of Journey2Japan.com, owner of ExploreSushi.com and a sushi instructor for more than 10 years. Carl has led more than 48 tours to Japan...with many more to come. He has visited nearly every section of Japan with a severe familiarty in the most popular destinations - Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Miyajima, Hiroshima, Utsunomiya, Nikko, Narita...and many more.
Our tours offer freedom within structure.
Every trip offers the same strategy - you're more than welcome to travel as a group or separate from our tour and 'do your own thing.' You aren't obligated to do anything you don't want to do. While we all experience Japan as a group, stay in the same hotel and travel from city to city together, you are not required to do, eat or experience anything that you'd rather avoid. We believe that you should visit Japan to absorb the experiences that you're anticipating - not hoping to enjoy a small percentage of your 'to do list.' At any time, you are more than welcome to depart from our tours. You can always resume our tours the next day.
Tokyo, Japan

Carl Rosa (center, right) poses with his August 2014 group in front tof Sukiyabashi Jiro in Roppongi (Tokyo), Japan.
Attending Our Trip Meetings
When we host our first trip meeting (to review details and answer general questions), no one is required to participant or attend. However, If you choose to be a participant on our trips, your attendance specific meeting(s) is required. In the past, many potential attendees are interested in being a part of our trips to Japan, but suddenly send us an email saying - "Can't make the meeting...just send me the notes and I'll contact you if I have questions."
Due to the extreme interest in our trips, we cover all questions, concerns and suggestions in the meeting. Sending separate emails and responding to a myriad of inquiries after the meetings is unacceptable. If you'd like to attend our trips, you have to attend the scheduled meetings.
Japan isn't expensive. Quite frankly, the person/people who started that rumor should be ashamed of themsevles. The idea that 'Japan is expensive' is responsible for keeping the vast majority of people from visiting Japan. We are delighted to disprove that statement. Year after year, trip after trip, our attendees are astonished at the low cost to visit Japan . There's absolutely no reason why you can't fly round-trip to Japan, enjoy a clean and comfortable hotel room with an unlimited bullet train pass and ensure that it's affordable and easy. We've proven it for 11 years. Japan isn't expensive...unless you want it to be.
Nikko, Japan

We handle everything...yep, everything.
We have strong connections with nearly every hotel and/or restaurant that you can imagine. For years, our trip attendees have asked us to secure reservations with the finest restaurants. On every trip, we work directly with major Japanese hotel chains that provide us with clean, comfortable hotel rooms at an amazing price.
If you need assistance with round trip airfare to and from Japan, we can give you all of the guidance you need...or even handle air travel for you.
Regarding bullet train passes, we've been working with five companies that offer the best prices and fastest response times.
Simply put, we have vast amounts of experience to construct any trip with ease.
Quick Note - Our Trips Fill Up...Fast.
In most cases, our trips fill to capacity one year in advance. Although we work hard to provide continual trips every year, the demand for our tours is typically overwhelming. We purposely limit our groups to 15 people to ensure that every trip is manageable. And although we offer multiple trips throughout the spring, summer and fall seasons (sometimes in the winter), the interest in our tours often overwhelms our capacity. If you're interested in going to Japan, please review our schedule and contact us at your earliest convenience.